Meeting: Monday 14th September 2015

Dear Councillor

You are summoned to attend a meeting of the St Brides Minor Community Council, which will take place at the Life Long Learning Centre Sarn on Monday 14th  September at 6.00 pm.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Chair’s opening’s remarks and to receive apologies for absence
  2. Short Presentation by Rowan Hobbs re. Sarn Cemetery
  3. To note declarations of interest by members, in any agenda items.
  4. To adopt the minutes of the Council Meeting  held on Monday 13th July 2015 and deal with any matters arising, not covered elsewhere on the agenda
  5. BCBC Report
  6. Finance
    i) Bank Statements
    ii) Receipts
    iii) Payments for Approval:
  7. Report by the Clerk
  8. Events
    i) Report, Heol Y Mynydd Community Garden Open Day 19th July
    ii) Confirm arrangements for Xmas Events
  9. Reports from External Bodies
    i) Coity Walia:
    ii) Sarn Centre Association
    iii) Friends of Tyn Y Coed Surgery
    iv) V2C
    v) PACT Sarn & Bryncoch,, Bryncethin
  10. Members Reports/ A.O.B
  11. Planning & Development
  12. Date and time of next  meeting  – 6.00 pm on Monday 12th October 2015, at the Life Long Learning Centre, Sarn

ST BRIDES MINOR COMMUNITY COUNCIL Agenda Notes for the meeting to be held on Monday 14th September 2015

Item 6  FINANCE i)Bank/B.S. Statements  

Cooperative Community Directplus Account balance at the 5th August  £ 60,344.15.                    Swansea 30th June 2015 £ 45011.41

ii) Receipts

HMRC Repayment of VAT Claim 2014-15,  £6623.70

V2C payment of contribution towards Community Garden extension £2200

HMRC Credit on the PAYE account (re-claimed by deduction from monthly payment)  £342.16

ii)Payments for Approval

ADM Nurseries (Dean Martin) Hanging baskets,Flowers for beds £ 2805.

Sarn Centre Association payment of Hire charges for PACT meeting £ 180.

BCBC –Planning Application for Memorial Hall Car park extension  £165. (50% reduction normal fee)

Groundwork Wales, Play Scheme  charges August £913.54 (charge out Newcastle Higher CC & St Brides Minor  £388.98,each, St Brides to re-claim VAT of £135.59

Mazars External Audit Fee 2014-15  £420.

Brian G Rees Clerk salary payments   August & September £ 1244.96

Brian G Rees, Office Charges July – September,  £240

Brian G Rees Expenses, Post, Print cartridges Additional Keys Community Gardens £ 651.43

  Item 7  REPORT BY CLERK Correspondence Received For Decision/Action

Annual Return for the Year Ended 31 March 2015                                                                                                                                                       Mazars – the External Auditor –  has completed its audit and approved the Annual Return, without comment. The Council must now publish a copy of the Return in a conspicuous place. The Clerk will make arrangements.

Invitation dated 12th August from Maesteg Town Council to the Chair/Consort to its Civic Service at Our Lady Parish Church (CF34 9AY) Sunday September 20th at 2.30pm, followed by buffet tea at Maesteg Town Hall.

Invitation dated 28th August from Laleston Community Council to its Civic Service, at St David’s Church on Sunday 18th October at 3.00pm followed by a buffet at Cliff Cottage (Gardening Club)

Notiifcation of the AGM of Crossroads Care Bridgend, 7.00 pm Tuesday  September at the Hi Tide Inn,Mackworth Road Porthcawl.
For Noting/Information

E mail dated 26th August, from Gareth John ,BCBC re. fixing of Precept 20016 -17.

Temporary road closure Heol Spencer,repairs to cattle grid.

Matters to Report

Trees at Canola,Sarn
A petition dated 30th July, has been received from Residents at Canola about the Trees maintained by the Council, at Canola, alleging that they at they are interfering  with telephone and electricity wires and vulnerable to high winds. The Clerk & Councillor Elaine Jones have met with two  approved contractors, to discuss, the issues with the trees and obtain prices for undertaking any remedial work, considered necessary. A price of £740 (+ VAT) has been  submitted by JV Services and £1200 by Anstee Landscapes & Tree Felling. The scope of the work proposed by both contractors was similar and both appeared equally competent.

Trees Vale View,Sarn                                                                                                                                                    Councillors will recall that it was reported at the last meeting that  trees on Vale View were heavily overgrown, affecting street lighting and the free passage of buses and other high sided vehicles.  The Clerk believed that addressing these issues was beyond the Council’s   long standing arrangements with the owners of the strip of land on Vale View to keep it “tidy” by mowing the grass. With the help of BCBC, the owners of the “strip” – a Mr Colin Whittingham (retired solicitor) and a company called Brickworth Developments – have been approached about taking a responsibility for the overgrown trees. The Clerk has been contacted by a representative  of Brickworth Development, claiming that there was a formal lease of the land to the Council, in which it assumed all responsibility for the “environmental” issues on the Land. The Clerk has denied this assertion, been unable to find any such lease in the Council’s files and requested that Brickworth provide a copy (not yet received)

Sarn Cemetery                                                                                                                                                         As Councillors will re-call, the original plan for the Community Council to take a responsibility for maintaining Sarn Cemetery from April, was deferred because of potential employment  isuues  the BCBC Park Departments and concerns about Council Tax & Precept. In August  a meeting took place between the Chair and the Clerk on the one side and officers of BCBC on the other, to see if an appropriate way could be found  for the Community Council to enhance the appearance and maintenance of the Cemetery, which avoided causing any employment issues, or compromised the levying of Council tax and the Community Council  Precept. It was agreed that a suitable approach would be for the Community Council to take responsibility for doubling the present number of grass cuts and to restore and maintain the two flower beds at the entry to the Cemetery.  As what was proposed to be undertaken remains within the scope of  the earlier agreement with BCBC, it was agreed that Rowan Garden Designs  commence grass cutting week beginning 14th September, thereafter alternating  cuts with  BCBC, during the “growing season.” Rowan Hobbs will attend the Council meeting on the 14th September, to give his thoughts on the grass cutting he will carry out and the planting  he suggests for the two beds.

Heol Y Mynydd Community Garden                                                                                                        The Garden Committee advised the Clerk that one of its members has a connection with a group providing activities for vulnerable people. The Committee seeks approval to create a further bed for use by the group. It has most of the materials required and the Gardeners will construct. . It the Council approvals the additional bed the Clerk suggests that the sleeper is purchased out of its “Garden” Account, cost estimate at £25-30.

Stretch of  Unmade Up Footpath, Blackmill Road, Bryncethin.                                                                             The Chair & the Clerk  held a meeting in August with an Officer, of BCBC – Kwako Opoku- Addoto (Road Safety) – to discuss possible sources of funding to complete this stretch of footpath. It appeared that an application for funding could be made to the WG Small Scale Project Fund, through a voluntary organisation. Groundwork Wales, agreed to make an application on behalf of the Council for funding of £14,000, which will require a match funding contribution of £7,000 from the Council. The application was submitted on the 11th September.

Coity Walia                                                                                                                                                               The Clerk of the Coity Walia suggests a Saturday in October for the proposed tour of the Common – date awaited.

Summer Play Scheme                                                                                                                                       As agreed at the July meeting, Groundwork was commissioned by the Council and Newcastle Higher Community Council (Ynysawdre CC did not participate), to organise a play scheme in August. This was planned to run over 9 days but because of poor response, was run for 5 days. The wet weather, poor marketing and promotion were identified as the main reasons for its failure. The net cost to the Council was £388.98.

Item 8 Events                                                                                                                                                       

Community Garden  Open Day Sunday 19th July                                                                                                                               

Once again, a break in a generally overcast period of weather, allowed a sunny day. The turnout during the day of  between around sixty and eighty was excellent, with Huw Irranca Davies MP and Reg Jenkins Deputy Borough Mayor present. Councillor Yvonne Nott cut the tape to open the Garden Extension and in doing so paid tribute to the hard work of Gardeners in making the Gardens such a place of beauty and tranquillity. As Councillors will be aware, V2C provided most of the funding for the additional four beds and supporting pathways. At 1.00pm on Thursday 24th September, Mr Nigel Draper of V2C, will visit the Garden. Hopefully a number of Councillors will be able to attend, so we can acknowledge the V2C contribution.

Christmas/Autumn  Events                                                                                                                                   
Confirm Dates – Halloween, Xmas Lights, Civil Concert

Xmas Tree at the Sarn Centre
Decision to take – Plant a live tree or use a cut tree

Item 10 Planning & Development

Applications for Development:

*25 Bakers Way,CF32 9RJ
Single Storey Rear Extension

* 9 Highland Court Bryncethin

Conservatory to the Rear

* Unit 6 Millers Ave Brynmenyn Indust Estate
Seven Starter Units

For Noting

Decided Applications –consents given

*Units (94 & 95Designer Outlet Village

Change of Use from A1 to A3,with external seating area for dining.

*20 Merfield Close

2 x Non –illuminated & 1 internally illuminated projector

*Unit 1 St Theodores Way Brynmenyn Indust.Estate

*Pant Hirwau Heol Y Cyw

Former Nursery & Dwelling to Vehicle storage new buildings,access wood fuelled boilers & wood drying facility.

BGR 12/09/15