Meeting: Monday 11th April 2016

To all Members of Council

Dear Councillor
You are summoned to attend a COUNCIL meeting to be held at The Life Long Learning Centre, Sarn, on Monday 11th April at 6pm.

Yours sincerely

Alana Davies


  1. To note for information Chair’s Announcements and Engagements
  2. To receive apologies for absence
  3. To receive Members’ Declarations of Interest in respect of business to be transacted
  4. To confirm and sign the Minutes of the meeting of Council held on 14th March 2016
    …..Issue of documents to the Public (if applicable)
  5. To consider any matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting of Council held on 14th March 2016
  6. To adjourn, if necessary, to take Public Questions
  7. To consider item Finance Report
  8. To receive report of Finance Committee held on March 14th 2016
  9. To consider item Closure of Co-op Bank account/s
  10. To consider item Pension Scheme for Council employees
  11. To consider Applications for Financial Assistance for 2015/16
  12. To consider item Update on Projects
    a. Memorial Hall Car Park
  13. To consider correspondence
    a. FOI request Cardiff University Research Student Nicholas Alderton, re proposed expenditure on the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations
    b. Agency Agreement for Rights of Way – Andrew Mason. Payment of £1,248.28 to be made shortly.
    c. Pension Regulator table and advice – Diane Malley
    d. Other correspondence to be tabled
  14. To consider item Schedule of Seasonal Maintenance
  15. To consider item Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations
  16. Reports from BCBC members
  17. Reports from External Bodies
  18. Reports from Members/AOB
  19. Clerk’s report
  20. Planning & Development
    a. Planning applications
    • P/16/214/OUT : Outline Planning for One Single Storey Dwelling – Plot Rear Of Y-Nythfa The Common Bryncoch Bryncethin
    • P/16/251/OUT: Up to 16 Dwellings With Public Open Space, Landscaping, Access & Assoc. Works ~Affect. Footpath 3 St Brides Minor – Land Off Ffordd Leyshon Bryncethin
    b. Planning decisions – none relating to local applications
    c. Feedback from site meeting
  21. Date of next meeting:
    The Annual General Meeting will take place on Monday May 9th 2016, time to be confirmed